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Tutorial 2: Step 8 Import Cancer Class Variable


For complete details on variables, please see Variables Overview.


1. Click the t_matrix dataset in the Experiments navigator. The item is highlighted.

2. Select Import from the File menu and Variable from the sub menu. The Import Variable dialog is displayed.

3. To set the source file for the variable data, click the ... button to the right of the Source File box. The Open dialog is displayed.

4. The tutorial data files are located in the Tutorial folder. This is the folder listed in the Look in box, so you do not need to navigate to it. Click the file t_matrix_classes.csv.

5. Click Open.

6. Enter NCI60 Cancer Classes into the Name box on the Create Variable Type dialog.

7. Click OK. The variable type is created and is listed in the Choose a Variable Type box on the Import Variable dialog.

8. The Preview allows you to view which sample belongs to which class and the total number of entries for each class. Click Preview. When you are finished examining the contents of the Preview, click Close to close it.

9. Enter Cancer Classes for the Variable Name.

10. Click Import. The variable data is imported into the database, and in the Experiments navigator, the t_matrix dataset icon is marked with the variable tag .